Tuesday 7 October 2014


A LONG LONG time ago (that's 2010, to you and me) I had an idea. That idea was based upon a song which I am a major fan of. The song in question is 'Pale Spectre' by The Wake.

I'm a big enthusiast for anything to do with the paranormal. From horror movies, ghost stories and TV series such as Supernatural and Hammer House of Horror. 

I began writing last month, September 2014.


Lewis Falconer is an 18 yr old living in the fictional north west city of Blexley. He is an ordinary kid living an ordinary life; studying at college and working part time in a bar. Until one night he is disturbed by a ghost, understandably he is terrified! but the next day tries to forget it happened.

A few nights later the same ghost appears again, outside, and this time chases him down the street. He doesn't know why it is after him.... 

Following a party, Lewis is walking home through a park where he sees it watching him. He runs home in terror but things get worse when more creepy occurrences start taking place. He is visited by the ghost of his dad and he faints!

Things come to ahead one day at his friend's house. After several strange occurrences he tells his friends what has been going on, as they have now witnessed it they have to believe him.  

My story has two key themes, the first is the paranormal & the second is about Lewis himself. It focuses on his life, his feelings and his personality.  

In the story feature Lewis's friends. Sean, Ben and Cody. These feature less at the beginning but they play a more central role as the story continues.. The four of them are close friends and it is down to them to protect Lewis from danger. Other characters include Lewis's mum, friends from college and the staff at work.

At the moment the story has no ending and it is still unfinished.

These are some basic story board ideas. Taken from my drawing pad and edited using a mobile phone and Photoshop.

Lewis (right) and Sean (left) laughing at some idiot on the tram.
This is probably my favorite drawing, along with the drawing below it...

Lewis is comforted by his mum, Anna. She tells him not to worry.

Lewis and Sean are ejected from a pub because Lewis has no I.D.

The main character takes photographs of old buildings for his college coursework. This building features again in the story towards the end.

The phantom that is following Lewis, it inspired by the song 'Pale Spectre', Lewis runs off down the street  away from it.

                                             Questions and the safety of a locked door!
                            Lewis runs home from the tram station and barricades himself inside.

                                       Lewis sits in Costa Coffee engrossed in the days news.

Whilst Ben (far left), some other guy (middle) and Sean (right) talk football Lewis feels left out. It is possible to feel lonely in a crowded room, even surrounded by friends.

   At Sean's, they put on Donnie Darko. Note the foggy smoke circling Ben and his curious facial expression.

                                      Walking home from Sean's and there it is again!


                                         Strange noises from upstairs. What is causing them??!

The ghost of his dad appears, though the figure only appears in the drawing as a shadow.


               Lewis' mum, and their neighbor find it hard to believe when he tells them..

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